House Passes Defense Bill: All Men Aged 18-26 to be Automatically Registered for Draft

House Passes Defense Bill: All Men Aged 18-26 to be Automatically Registered for Draft

The US House of Representatives has approved a defense policy bill that would require all men aged 18-26 to be automatically registered with the Selective Service System, commonly known as the draft.

This provision, which was included in the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) for fiscal year 2022, is aimed at ensuring that the US military can quickly mobilize in case of a national emergency or war.

Under current law, men are required to register with the Selective Service within 30 days of turning 18. Failure to do so can result in fines, imprisonment or being denied government benefits such as federal student loans and job training.

However, the new NDAA would automate the registration process by having it done through data obtained from driver’s license applications and other state databases. This means that all eligible males aged 18-26 would be automatically registered without having to take any action themselves.

The move comes after years of debate over whether women should also be required to register for the draft. In 2016, then-Secretary of Defense Ash Carter announced that all military combat roles would be open to women, leading to calls for them to also be included in the draft.

While the NDAA does not explicitly require women to register, it includes a provision that states Congress will reevaluate the Selective Service System in five years to see if it should be expanded to include women as well.

The NDAA, which sets policies and authorizes funding for the US military, is expected to pass through the Senate and be signed into law by President Joe Biden. If passed, this would mark the first time that men have been automatically registered for the draft since 1975.

According to data from the Selective Service System, there are currently around 14.6 million men registered for the draft, with roughly 1.2 million registering each year.

Supporters of the provision argue that it would help to modernize the Selective Service System and ensure that the US military has a diverse pool of potential recruits in case of a national emergency or war.

However, critics argue that forcing men to register for the draft is outdated and unnecessary in today’s military landscape. They also point out that while women are now allowed to serve in all combat roles, they are still not required to register for the draft.

The debate over who should be eligible for the draft has been ongoing for decades, but the passage of this provision in the NDAA brings it back into the spotlight. It remains to be seen if Congress will eventually expand the Selective Service System to include women as well.

In the meantime, all men aged 18-26 should be aware that they may soon be automatically registered for the draft and take note of their legal obligations in case of a national emergency or war. The fate of this provision ultimately lies with President Biden and whether he will sign it into law.

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Riyadh, holding a Master's in Media and Communication, is a versatile journalist at With expertise spanning finance, crime, local news, sports, technology, and business, Riyadh delivers insightful and timely news coverage across various genres.

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