Hunter Biden, Son of US President Joe Biden, Found Guilty of Federal Gun Crimes

Hunter Biden, Son of US President Joe Biden, Found Guilty of Federal Gun Crimes

Hunter Biden, son of US President Joe Biden, has been found guilty of federal gun crimes in the United States on Friday. The ruling comes after a lengthy legal battle that began in 2018 when Hunter’s sister-in-law discovered a handgun belonging to him in a trash can outside her home.

The trial was closely watched as it raised questions about whether Hunter received preferential treatment from authorities because of his father’s position as president. However, the judge presiding over the case stated that the jury verdict was based solely on evidence presented in court and not on any external factors.

The guilty verdict was announced by the jury after nearly four hours of deliberation. Hunter Biden has been charged with one count of possessing a firearm as an unlawful user/addict of controlled substances and one count of falsifying identification documents.

According to the prosecution, Hunter lied when he purchased the gun, claiming that he was not addicted to drugs, despite his history of substance abuse. However, defense lawyers argued that Hunter’s actions were due to his struggle with addiction and should be considered a mitigating factor.

The maximum sentence for these charges is 10 years in prison and a fine of $250,000. However, Hunter is expected to receive a lesser sentence due to his lack of criminal history and the fact that he has completed substance abuse treatment.

This case highlights the ongoing issue of gun control in the United States and raises questions about the accessibility of firearms for individuals with a history of substance abuse. It also sheds light on the challenges faced by those struggling with addiction and how it can impact their decision-making.

This is not the first time Hunter Biden’s actions have been under scrutiny. In 2019, he was accused of using his father’s political influence to secure lucrative business deals in Ukraine and China. However, an investigation by the US Department of Justice found no evidence to support these claims.

The verdict in this case is a blow to the Biden family and could potentially tarnish President Joe Biden’s image as a leader. It also serves as a reminder that no one is above the law, regardless of their status or connections.

As for Hunter, he will now have to face the consequences of his actions and work towards rebuilding his life after serving his sentence. The trial may be over, but its impact on the political landscape of the United States will continue to be felt.

For more such trending USA news, you should check other post at Trending Work News.

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Riyadh, holding a Master's in Media and Communication, is a versatile journalist at With expertise spanning finance, crime, local news, sports, technology, and business, Riyadh delivers insightful and timely news coverage across various genres.

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